Video Gallery
Destination River Limia-Lima
Video summary:
Discovering the Limia-Lima River Destination
Touring the Destination through its City Councils and Municipal Chambers
Blog Trip
Presentation of the Blog Trip by the Provincial Council of Ourense
GastroLimia full day
GastroLimia: summary and presentations
Launch Day
Welcome to the conference: New opportunities for rural territories
Table challenges and opportunities in the development of Fronteira Esquecida
Towards sustainable tourism
Xurés Bike Tour 2021
Xurés Bike Tour 2021 Promotion
Presentation of Xurés Bike Tour
Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida I
Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida II
TVG-Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida
Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima Final
Fam Trip through the Alto Minho
Fam Trip through the Alto Minho with digital influencers
Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima is a project aimed at enhancing the natural and cultural resources of the Limia-Lima river and its surroundings
limia-lima RIVER
Proyecto cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Interreg V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020.