

News about the project Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima and about each of the territories it runs through, from Xinzo de Limia to its mouth in Viana do Castelo.


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Destino Rio Limia-Lima River to be promoted at Intur 2022

The Limia-Lima River Destination has been promoted at Intur 2022, the International Fair of Inland Tourism held between 18 and 20 November in Valladolid. The Limia-Lima River Destination is being promoted in the territory of the Fronteira Esquecida project, a...

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Promotion of Destino Rio Limia-Lima in Xantar 2022

The Destino Rio Limia-Lima was present at the INORDE stand and at the stand of the GeoDestino Terra de Celanova – Serra do Xurés, which includes some of the municipalities of the Galician territory of the Fronteira Esquecida project. Xantar...

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Restoration work on the Soutelo Bridge progresses

The Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil advances in the restoration works of Ponte Soutelo, a centenary infrastructure erected over the Limia River between the municipalities of Bande and Muíños and that constitutes one of the main actions carried out in...

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The CHMS begins restoration of the Soutelo bridge

The infrastructure is built over the Limia River, linking the municipalities of Bande and Muíños in Ourense. The Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño Sil (CHMS) began the restoration of the Soutelo Bridge on 23 August, with a completion period of...

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The municipality of Ponte de Lima launches ecovia

The municipality of Ponte de Lima has completed the works of improvement and conditioning of the ecovia of the Limia river that links the municipalities of Viana do Castelo, Ponte de Lima and Arcos de Valdevez, on the right bank...

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For water, the Vieiro de Bande fountain

The fountains scattered throughout Galicia are justly famous by locals and visitors alike, but few of them are as popular as the Vieiro fountain in Bande, a must for the natives of Baixa Limia. 

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Biodiversity in the Limia River basin

In the library section (https://fronteiraesquecida.eu/biblioteca-3/) is available the "Study and proposals for the improvement of native populations of salmonids and cyprinids in the Limia river basin".

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Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima  is a project aimed at enhancing the natural and cultural resources of the Limia-Lima river and its surroundings


Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020. www.poctep.eu

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