It is intended with this contract to develop a series of actions that relaunch the Limia-Lima space as a quality and sustainable Ice-destination, putting in value the most outstanding points of the geological heritage of the Galician part of the transboundary biosphere reserve Gerês – Xurés (RBTGX) identified in the work of the year 2018, in the framework of the project ” GERÊS- XURÉS DINÁMICO”, co-financed by the Operational Program for Cross-Border Cooperation INTERREG V A Spain – Portugal (POCTEP), the General Directorate of Natural Heritage tendered a contract for the realization of an inventory of the geological, geomorphological and mining sites of the Galician part of the cross-border biosphere reserve Gerês- Xurés.
The supply contract for the valorization and promotion of the geological heritage of the Gêres- Xurés Cross-border Biosphere Reserve, within the framework of the POCTEP project Fronteira Esquecida Limia – Lima, aims at the valorization of the 21 most outstanding points of the geological heritage of the Galician part of the Gerês – Xurés cross-border biosphere reserve. It falls within the framework of activity 2 “Valorization of the Limia – Lima River: Actions for the Valorization of the natural and cultural space of the Limia – Lima River”.
Different informative materials will also be produced for the promotion of the natural resources and itineraries in the Limia River environment and the RBTGX as a whole, as part of the tasks foreseen in Activity 3 “Limia – Lima River Tourist Network: Joint management and promotion of resources and itineraries of the Limia – Lima River”.