
April 2021

The Xunta earmarks 424,000 euros for the refurbishment of the Santa Comba de Bande rectory

The first vice-president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, and the Regional Minister of Culture, Education and University, Román Rodríguez, today visited the building where the refurbishment work will be carried out to enhance the value of the surroundings of the church of San Trocado and promote cultural tourism.

The Xunta earmarks 424,000 euros for the refurbishment of the Santa Comba de Bande rectory Read More »

Launch of the Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida Limia/Lima (INTERREG V A Spain Portugal Programme 2014-2020).

Registrations have just started for the cross-border MTB Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida Limia/Lima, which will take place on 18, 19 and 20 June and will be located in the Gerês-Xurés Cross-border Biosphere Reserve (RBTGX).

Launch of the Xurés Bike Tour Fronteira Esquecida Limia/Lima (INTERREG V A Spain Portugal Programme 2014-2020). Read More »

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