
Proyecto Fronteira Esquecida-en

turismo limia

The Provincial Council of Ourense boosts tourism in the Limia region with the launch of a tourist web app

The Diputación de Ourense has promoted the launch of a Progressive Web App (PWA) that will allow customers to find out about tourist packages in the Limia region easily and quickly. The application, available for both mobile devices and computers, offers a wide variety of travel options, from weekend getaways to multi-week holidays. The main […]

The Provincial Council of Ourense boosts tourism in the Limia region with the launch of a tourist web app Read More »

Promotion of Destino Rio Limia-Lima in Xantar 2022

The Destino Rio Limia-Lima was present at the INORDE stand and at the stand of the GeoDestino Terra de Celanova – Serra do Xurés, which includes some of the municipalities of the Galician territory of the Fronteira Esquecida project. Xantar is the only accredited International Gastronomic Tourism Fair in the Iberian Peninsula, which is held

Promotion of Destino Rio Limia-Lima in Xantar 2022 Read More »

Restoration work on the Soutelo Bridge progresses

The Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil advances in the restoration works of Ponte Soutelo, a centenary infrastructure erected over the Limia River between the municipalities of Bande and Muíños and that constitutes one of the main actions carried out in the framework of the project “Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima”, a project co-financed at 75% by the

Restoration work on the Soutelo Bridge progresses Read More »

Celebration of the event “Lima-Limia Gastronomy” at Viana do Castelo

On 21 October 2022, the second of the gastronomic events framed in the Fronteira Esquecida project was held at the Forte de Santiago da Barra, in the municipality of Viana do Castelo. This event, called “Gastronomia Lima-Limia“, was structured as a seminar on gastronomy, heritage and tourism around the Lima-Limia river, with the presence of

Celebration of the event “Lima-Limia Gastronomy” at Viana do Castelo Read More »

The physical promotion of the Limia-Lima River Destination begins with the participation in a tourism seminar (workshop) in the city of Fundão (Castelo Branco-Portugal).

On 14 October 2022, the company awarded the service of the Diputación de Ourense related to the creation of tourist packages/products and their physical promotion, InterRías, attended a tourism seminar (workshop) held in Fundão (Castelo Branco – Portugal). The event, “DitPortugal” (held between 14 and 16 October 2022), made it possible to present the tourist

The physical promotion of the Limia-Lima River Destination begins with the participation in a tourism seminar (workshop) in the city of Fundão (Castelo Branco-Portugal). Read More »

The CHMS begins restoration of the Soutelo bridge

The infrastructure is built over the Limia River, linking the municipalities of Bande and Muíños in Ourense. The Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño Sil (CHMS) began the restoration of the Soutelo Bridge on 23 August, with a completion period of 3 months. This is an action included in the European Project of the Operational Programme

The CHMS begins restoration of the Soutelo bridge Read More »

Arcos de Valdevez will have a viewpoint in Cunhas and a floating platform on the Ermelo Ecovia.

The municipality of Arcos de Valdevez has carried out several improvements in different tourist spots, contributing to their enhancement, to the qualification of nature tourism and to the increase of the economic activity of the municipality. This action is part of the Fronteira Esquecida project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the

Arcos de Valdevez will have a viewpoint in Cunhas and a floating platform on the Ermelo Ecovia. Read More »

The Provincial Council improves the accessibility of the O Corgo river promenade in Muíños

The Diputación de Ourense has just improved the accessibility of the river promenade of O Corgo, in Muíños, within a project through which the conservation of the existing pavement in this area of the tourist-sports complex was reinforced. The work undertaken included, in addition to the improvement of the degraded areas, the laying of low-maintenance

The Provincial Council improves the accessibility of the O Corgo river promenade in Muíños Read More »

The House of Culture and Youth of the City Council of Xinzo de Limia hosts until July 29th the cross-border photographic exhibition on the Limia-Lima river

Three photographers from Ourense and three Portuguese documented the course of the river from its source in Monte Talariño, in Sarreaus, to its mouth in Viana del Castelo The activity is part of the Fronteira Esquecida project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG V A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020 The

The House of Culture and Youth of the City Council of Xinzo de Limia hosts until July 29th the cross-border photographic exhibition on the Limia-Lima river Read More »

The Provincial Council organised a “Blog Trip” to promote the Limia-Lima River Destination through social networks

The four participants, from Galicia and Portugal, toured this weekend, the cross-border territory Galicia-North of Portugal to put it in value This activity is part of the Fronteira Esquecida project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG V A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020 The Diputación de Ourense organised this past weekend

The Provincial Council organised a “Blog Trip” to promote the Limia-Lima River Destination through social networks Read More »

The municipality of Ponte de Lima launches ecovia

The municipality of Ponte de Lima has completed the works of improvement and conditioning of the ecovia of the Limia river that links the municipalities of Viana do Castelo, Ponte de Lima and Arcos de Valdevez, on the right bank of the Lima river, and on the left bank, linking the municipalities of Viana do

The municipality of Ponte de Lima launches ecovia Read More »

Exposición transfronteriza

Discovering the Limia-Lima River through a cross-border photographic exhibition

From today, the exhibition “Limia-Lima River” can be visited at the Marcos Valcárcel Cultural Centre in Ourense. Three photographers from Ourense and three Portuguese photographers documented the course of the river from its source in Monte Talariño to its mouth in Viana do Castelo. This action is framed within the project Fronteira Esquecida, 75% co-financed

Discovering the Limia-Lima River through a cross-border photographic exhibition Read More »

The fishermen of the river Limia will have their first refuge in Bande

The fishermen and walkers of the Limia, in the parish of Nigueiroá de Bande, have a renovated shelter where they can take refuge from the weather conditions. The director general of Natural Heritage, Belén do Campo, accompanied by the mayoress of Bande, Sandra Quintas, travelled this week to Ponte Soutelo to see the result of

The fishermen of the river Limia will have their first refuge in Bande Read More »

Gastrolimia stresses the importance of cross-border cooperative work to enhance the resources and traditions of the territory.

The spa of Lobios hosted the cross-border meeting Gastrolimia framed within the project Fronteira Esquecida making visible the cultural and gastronomic traditions around the river Limia-Lima betting on the intensification of synergies between producers and hoteliers of the Baixa Limia and North of Portugal. The event was attended by the Mayoress of Lobios, María del

Gastrolimia stresses the importance of cross-border cooperative work to enhance the resources and traditions of the territory. Read More »

Discover the Photographic Itinerary that enhances the natural and cultural resources of the Limia-Lima River Destination.

Visitors will be able to take photographs at sixteen points in the province of Ourense with a high landscape interest, with the common link of the Limia River. As part of the activities of the Fronteira Esquecida project, 75% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020,

Discover the Photographic Itinerary that enhances the natural and cultural resources of the Limia-Lima River Destination. Read More »

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