
Gastrolimia stresses the importance of cross-border cooperative work to enhance the resources and traditions of the territory.

The spa of Lobios hosted the cross-border meeting Gastrolimia framed within the project Fronteira Esquecida making visible the cultural and gastronomic traditions around the river Limia-Lima betting on the intensification of synergies between producers and hoteliers of the Baixa Limia and North of Portugal.

The event was attended by the Mayoress of Lobios, María del Carmen Yáñez, and the partners of the Fronteira Esquecida project: the General Directorate of Natural Heritage, the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Confederation, the CIM Alto Minho and the municipal chambers of Puente da Barca, Ponte da Lima, Arcos de Valdevez and Viana del Castelo.

The director of culturagalega. gal, Manuel Gago was in charge of opening the report with an interesting inspirational talk about gastronomy and heritage as tourism activators, and where he highlighted the role played by the Camino de Santiago in the late 80s and early 90s, in changing the way of doing tourism. The presentations were followed by the bloggers Alfonso López, from “Recetas de Rechupete”, and Duarte Calvao, from “Mesa Marcada”, as well as Ana Méndez’s account of almost 30 years of the Galicia Calidade brand. A workshop on the differentiating elements and the final conclusions coordinated by Pablo Culebras brought the theoretical part to a close, which was closed by the manager of Inorde, Emma González.

The chefs Domingo González, winner of the Touche Blache award and chef at Caldaria, and Zé Carlos Castro, teacher at the Escola de Hostaleiría de Viana do Castelo and owner of the Miracastro restaurant in Castro Leboreiro (Portugal), were in charge of the showcooking and final tasting of the activity, organised within the framework of the European project “Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima”.

Manuel Gago fue el encargado de abrir el relatorio con una interesante charla inspiracional sobre la gastronomía y el patrimonio como activadores del turismo, y donde resaltó el papel que jugó el Camino de Santiago a finales de los 80 y principios de los 90, a la hora de cambiar la forma de hacer turismo. Las ponencias siguieron a cargo de los blogueros Alfonso López, de “Recetas de Rechupete”, y Duarte Calvao, de “Mesa Marcada”, así como el relato de los casi 30 años de la marca Galicia Calidade de la mano de Ana Méndez. Un taller sobre los elementos diferenciadores y las conclusiones finales coordinado por Pablo Culebras puso el punto y final a la parte teórica, que clausuró la gerente del Inorde, Emma González.

Los cocineros Domingo González, premio Touche Blache y chef de Caldaria, y Zé Carlos Castro, profesor de la Escola de Hostaleiría de Viana do Castelo y propietario del restaurante Miracastro de Castro Leboreiro (Portugal), fueron los encargados de ofrecer el “showcooking” y degustación final de la actividad, organizada en el marco del proyecto europeo “Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima”.

Enhancing the natural and cultural resources of the Limia – Lima River

The Diputación de Ourense is the main beneficiary of the Fronteira Esquecida project, 75% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG V A Spain-Portugal Programme (POCTEP) 2014-2020, whose main objective is to enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Limia-Lima River and its surroundings, and on that basis to create and develop a joint management and promotion structure that enhances the tourist use of the area.

Source: Deputación de Ourense

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