
Restoration work on the Soutelo Bridge progresses

The Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil advances in the restoration works of Ponte Soutelo, a centenary infrastructure erected over the Limia River between the municipalities of Bande and Muíños and that constitutes one of the main actions carried out in the framework of the project “Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima”, a project co-financed at 75% by the European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG V A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020.

This action, which will be completed in December 2022, will allow this historic bridge, of which there is documentation from the year 1804 and which consists of 5 spans and 48.5 meters long, to stand as a tourist landmark on the route parallel to the Limia River.

In this sense, actions have been carried out consisting of the conservation of the original masonry piers and abutments and the replacement of the boards, opting in this case for steel as a structural element covered by a Corten steel skin, as well as the installation of a railing, in order to have more suitable materials for its use and environment, with easy and economical maintenance.

This work is another step in the creation of a pedestrian route linking both riverside municipalities of the As Conchas reservoir, in an area where this year, and within the same “Fronteira Esquecida Limia-Lima” the Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivienda carried out the refurbishment of the fishermen’s shelter.

Font: La Región

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