The Roman archaeological site Aquis Originis of Rio Caldo, in the municipality of Lobios, will star on Friday, October 29 at 17.00 hours an explanatory visit on the works carried out in recent weeks in this mansion linked to the Via Nova road. The activity, which will be led by the archaeologist David Pérez, is part of the project led this autumn by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade to improve the conditions of conservation of the “mansio” and achieve an optimal sociocultural use of this resource.
The Directorate General of Cultural Heritage has allocated this year a budget of 17,000 euros for the work in Aquis Originis. An intervention that has contemplated the cleaning of the area, actions to prevent biodeterioration from affecting the archaeological remains already exhumed and also an archaeological campaign that has brought to light new residential buildings in the southeast sector of the site, among which a “lareira” has been found, and also numerous ceramic material and coins that will provide a better understanding of the structural and functional characteristics of the building originally designed as a resting place for walkers completing the itinerary between the Roman capitals of Braga (Brácara Augusta) and Astorga (Astúrica Augusta).
Source: La Región