Ponte de Lima, tourist entertainment.
Ponte de Lima, tourist entertainment.

Ponte de Lima enjoys a remarkable set of activities in its surroundings, from hiking, cycling, water activities on the Lima River to golf or tennis, horseback riding, gastronomic experiences, wine tourism, etc.
These activities are carried out by local companies that focus their tourism products on adventure, sport and cultural tours. Of particular interest is the Clube Náutico, a reference in the organization of international competitions, one of the great brands of the local sport (canoeing, rowing, kayaking, descent of the Lima River, etc.) For the more daring, there are facilities and companies that offer extreme activities, full of adrenaline. In this way, the Radical Park is a multidisciplinary facility in order to satisfy lovers of BMX cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading.
Another highlight is the Ponte de Lima Mountain Bike Center, a project by the Municipality of Ponte de Lima in the Nature Tourism segment that aims to promote sports and leisure activities linked to the universe of bicycles in the various existing infrastructures in the municipality of Ponte de Lima (Ponte de Lima Bike Park, Parque da Vila Pump Track, Pé do Negro Mountain Bike Center and Ecovias).
Various modalities can be practiced, from Downhill, Cross Country, Enduro, MTB, Tourist Tours, among others.
Ponte de Lima also has a guided tour service, public swimming pools, various cultural services with two museums (Museu do Brinquedo Português and Museu dos Terceira) and Interpretation Centers (Centre for Interpretation and Promotion of Vinho Verde, Center for the Interpretation of Militar History, Territory Interpretation Center, Interpretation Center of Mesa dos 4 Abades villages and Tempo do Romano Station), and several complementary infrastructures to favor the enjoyment of tourists passing through Alto Minho.
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Information of interest
Museums and Interpretation Centers are open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 12.30 pm | 2 pm to 6 pm.
On the page www.visitepontedelima.pt you can find the list and contacts of tourist entertainment companies to book and consult prices for activities and experiences.
Ponte de Lima Nautical Club. São Gonçalo Way, Open from Monday to Friday from 7am to 9pm, Saturdays from 9am to 12pm. Closed on Sundays. Contact: 00351 258 944 899 and www.cnplima.com
Bicycle Park. Serra d’Arga. Open daily from 9 am to 7 pm. Contact: bikeparkpontedelima.com and 00351 916 231 611
Pumptrack track. Ponte de Lima Urban Park. Open to the public.
Tourist entertainment companies and activities in Ponte de Lima. Available at: https://www.visitepontedelima.pt/pt/turismo/atividades-de-animacao-turistica/