
Protected Area and Wetland of International Importance of Bertiandos and Sâo Pedro de Arcos Lagoons.

Protected Area and Wetland of International Importance of Bertiandos and Sâo Pedro de Arcos Lagoons.

Área Protegida y Zona Húmeda de Importancia Internacional de las Lagoas de Bertiandos y Sâo Pedro de Arcos

The protected area (350 hectares), located in the parishes of Bertiandos S. Pedro d’Arcos, in Ponte de Lima, includes several natural values that make it an important space for the conservation and dissemination of nature and biodiversity at regional, national and international level. This is due to the presence of a wide variety of priority conservation habitats associated with a continental wetland.

In this space there is a network of pedestrian paths (of low difficulty) that surround the lagoons, and that promote direct contact with nature. The route can be started from Bertiandos, with a sample of manor houses (Solar de Bertiandos) After crossing the Estorãos river with its beautiful bridge, you enter the network of signposted paths.

The Environmental Interpretation Center, 1.5 km further on, is essential, and is where you can find information about the wildlife, flora, interpretation of the territory, specific characteristics of the Lima River, etc. The tree species present in the Protected Area are willow, alder, oak, birch and ash. Wildlife includes amphibians, small mammals and, above all, birds, both migratory and sedentary.


Environmental Interpretation Center (Telephone 00351 258 240 201; lagos@cm-pontedelima.pt) Rua da Lagoa, 476. Arcos-Ponte de Lima. Access through the parish of Bertiandos.


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Área Protegida y Zona Húmeda de Importancia Internacional de las Lagoas de Bertiandos y Sâo Pedro de Arcos

Information of interest

Possibility of guided tours for groups from €30. Special prices for schools. Lodging around the lagoon, equipment rental and programmed activities.

Pentieiros Pedagogical Farm with free visit or for groups (Telephone: 00351 258 240 202). “Fun Science” space for schools from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm by appointment (Telephone 00351 258 240 201).


Lagoons of Bertiandos and São Pedro de Arcos. Official website of the Municipality of Ponte de Lima. Available at: https://lagoas.cm-pontedelima.pt

Ramos de Araújo Bogas, P.S. (2012) Qualidade da água do Rio Estorãos na área protegida das Lagoas de Bertiandos e São Pedro de Arcos. Mestrado em Gestão Ambiental e Ordenamento do Território. Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo.



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